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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

~ Clairalience ~

Sniff out a dozen of info and ideas?

Clairsalience, also known as clairscent or clairscentency, involves smelling a fragrance or odor of a substance, person, place, or animal not in one's surroundings. 

These odors are perceived without the use of the physical nose and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.

Clairsalience (or psychic smelling, sometimes also called clairscent) are psychic abilities that are less commonly experienced. 

With clairalience, the smelling of a substance or food occurs without anything that could be the cause of the fragrance or odor being in your physical presence.

Clairalience are types of psychic abilities where you receive and interpret intuitive/psychic smell impressions that can hold specific meaning for you.

Some mediums, communicating with the spiritual consciousness of others (in physical or nonphysical form) may experience smells associated with those they are communicating with
Examples would be smelling cigar smoke or specific perfumes.

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