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Every single one of us are surrounded by an atmosphere of thoughts with each thought carrying its own frequency. Scientists have actually...

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Identify the type of power in you!

Have you ever wondered how you received signs and information?
- Are you the hearing type and get ideas when you hear something?
- Are you the one who can see beyond what physical eye can see?
- Do you get an idea pop up of nowhere in your mind or head?
- Do you smell something and get a message?
- Do you know what's going to happen without any tools or help?
Do you touch something and information just starts flowing to you?
- Do you taste something, all sorts of ideas keep flowing to you?

Identify this hidden talents of yours and attract things that you wanted!
 - clairvoyance (clear seeing, or psychic vision)
 - clairaudience (clear hearing, or psychic hearing)
 - clairsentience (clear feeling/sensing or psychic feeling/sensing, including clairempathy)
 - clairtangency (clear touching or more commonly, psychometry)
 - claircognizance (clear knowing or psychic knowing)
 - clairalience (clear smelling or psychic smelling, sometimes also called clairscent)
 - clairgustance (or psychic tasting

There is a correlation between which physical-level five senses you usually use the most, and which of the related ”clair” types of psychicabilities you usually use the most. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t choose to develop the other “clairs.” 

It’s just that it might be easier and inspire you the most to first strengthen the “clairs” you already use most naturally.

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