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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

~ Clairsentience ~

3rd comes the feeling type!

This refers to a person's ability to acquire knowledge by feeling. A person who feels the vibration of other people, animals, and places is clairsentient. 
There are many degrees of clairsentience, ranging from the perception of thoughts and emotions in others to their illnesses and injuries. This ability differs from clairvoyance because the knowledge comes only from feeling in the body.

If you tend to focus most on how things physically and emotionally feel to you during your day, chances are you are most open to a feeling or sensing-based perspective and clairsentience or psychic feeling/sensing

What you remember and learn most easily is probably associated with emotions you felt and perhaps a physical or kinesthetic (having to do with awareness of your body’s position, balance or movement) experience.

Of all of the types of psychic abilities, clairsentience is often the first and easiest to develop when you open more to perceiving beyond the five senses

It’s intuitively sensing energies coming from the environment, other people and animals and from the Spirit realm, and it is felt in many ways.

You might have physical symptoms or signals that you come to associate with positive or negative situations

Like feeling really peaceful, happy, or like you have butterflies in your stomach with a positive situation. Nauseated and tense (stomach, back, forehead, jaw) may come to indicate a negative situation. 

Or you may have a gut feeling or hunch about someone or something. Or a sudden impulse to do something you wouldn’t usually do, that results in a welcome surprise or something you’ve wanted.
The experiences of an intuitive/ psychic empath would also be considered clairsentient as far as the types of psychic abilities go. 

These experiences are sometimes called clairempathy, and involve the ability to sense and feel the emotional experience (and sometimes physical symptoms) of a person, group of people, place or animal(s)

This can feel overwhelming at times if the empath is unaware of what is happening, is energetically ungrounded, if they feel like they have no control over their experience or are not skilled in dealing with it. 

Skilled empaths can enjoy these expanded perceptions as inspiring and deeply moving when they learn to honor themselves with personal energetic boundaries around these experiences and ways to focus their awareness/energy.

 Article references :

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